Monday, 11 November 2013


 In a bid to support information sharing and dissemination throughout the Rwenzori Region and Uganda at large RIC-NET through its information Centre- Kyaka rural information centre (KRIC) has embarked on working with the Kyegegwa district Local government to put up the first ever community radio in the district.
Kyegegwa district is one of the newly created districts in the Rwenzori region. It has a population of 159,800 people. with the establishment of the radio we believe that the flow and access of information will be boosted in the district. Definitely the radio will help create awareness on the silent issues in the community and also educate the masses on their rights and responsibilities to development. Simply put the radio will voice the silence, serve as a mouth piece of the disadvantaged and also serve as the heart of communication and democratic process within the society.
High level consultation meetings about the same kicked off on  15th Oct 2013 at Kyegegwa district offices. During this meeting the members discussed the process and procedure to the installation of the radio. participants in this meeting were Uganda Broadcasting corporation (UBC) technical staff  Mr. Sam .k. Batanda and Mr. Muziransa Sadat, RICNET documentation  officer Mr. Muhindo Geoffrey and the System Administrator Mr. Asiimwe Charles, KRIC staff and Board and the district leaders at Kyegegwa District head quarters.
 Above is Mr. Muziransa Sadat (second right) head of transmission at UBC with some Kyegegwa district leadership inspecting the community radio equipments.
Consistent with the principle of public –private –partnership (PPP), the district reached an understanding with KRIC to jointly operate and run a community radio whose objectives will be;
  1. To catalyze the development efforts of the rural communities through sharing timely and relevant information on development issues, opportunities, experiences, life skills and public interests.
  2.  To reinforce transparency, accountability, good governance and democracy in the district through giving the community means to make their views known on decisions that affect them.
  3.  To develop and protect geographical identity, culture and character for the people of Kyegegwa district.
Justification for the establishment: awareness has been growing of the social and economic benefits that can result when ordinary people have access to appropriate information and it is also evident that when people, especially the poor,can participate in communication processes and consensus building about issues that affect their lives it helps them to cast off their traditional state of apathy and stimulate them to mobilize and organize to help themselves.
Other issues discussed during the meeting were the technical and operational aspects. They included;
The community broadcasting radio station will be run as a non – profit making institution. It will be  owned and managed by Kyegegwa District Local government and KRIC represented by the independent board.
And the radio's sole aim will be to serve the common good of Kyegegwa district community irrespective of the ownership.
The radio’s policies, management and programming will be the responsibility of the community in order for it to be considered a true community radio.
A Wantok-SBS-1 equipment with the following parts; transmitter, six channel audio mixer, compact disc/Mp3 players, audio cassette recorders/ players and microphones will be provided for the establishment of the radio. This equipment was given to RICNET/KRIC by the Ministry of water and environment to disseminate weather related information to farmers.
  It can conclusively be said that the community radio will respond to the needs of the community it serves, contributing to development within progressive perspectives in favor of social change. And that the community radio will strives to democratize communication through community participation in differing forms in each specific social context

1 comment:

  1. this will be great for the district since it has no radio in the area
