Fort portal healthy staff down tools over pay.
Patients at
Fort Portal Hospital have been left unattended to after health workers at the
facility decided to lay down their tools. “The hospital staff went on strike
Tuesday, protesting what they claimed was a failure by the government to pay
their salaries since April.
A visit
around the facility by the Daily Monitor found some patients in the Out Patient
Department and other wards being assisted by student trainees from Fort Portal
School of Clinical Officers and Fort Portal International Nursing School while
others were not supervised by any medical worker.
“Even though
the students diagnosed us and recommended drugs, we still have nowhere to get
the drugs because pharmacies at the hospital are closed most of us went back
without drugs the only alternative is to buy from private pharmacies in town”
one patient said.
Dr John
Mali, the chairperson of the Uganda Medical Workers Union, confirmed the
industrial action, adding that only emergency cases would be handled by a small
team of staff.
“We cannot
abandon patients in wards, the skeletal staff is to handle emergencies such as
accidents and labour pains and others so that we cannot lose people’s lives and
be charged of negligence” Dr Mali explained.
However, he
said a meeting held last week with the management of the hospital had agreed to
pay the arrears of the staff by June 7.
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