Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Makerere University Undergraduate Scholarships for Female Students 2013/2014

The Makerere  University  Female  Scholarship Foundation  was  launched in November 2010  as a continuation of the  Makerere  University  Female Scholarship  Initiative. With  $4 million support from  Camegie  Corporation of New York, FSI  funded  691 girls  from poor social-economic background to access university education from  2001-2010. Makerere University  realized  the need  for a  scholarship foundation in order to support more female  students who  would  otherwise drop out  of school after  secondary school level.  The   goal  of  FSF:  To increase the enrollment ,  retention and improve  the academic  performance  of female  under graduate students at Makerere  University with  specific  emphasis  on sciences and  giving  priority  to applicants  from  disadvantaged backgrounds  and under –represented  geographical areas  in Uganda .
•    A female  student  admitted  to Makerere  University  on Private  Sponsorship Scheme .
•    Student  should be  from a genuinely  poor  social-economic background.
•    Academic  excellence, with  more points scored for girls  studying  science disciplines.
•    First year female students admitted on the  basis of A level   results  only  (current  or previous years ) who  should  not  be more than 25 years
•    A person with  leadership experience and/or  potential .
•    Those not admitted  on Uganda  Government  sponsorship to any public  university .
•    Those  who do not  hold  any other scholarship e.g  District  Scholarship  , Kulika  , etc.
Scholarship  Coverage
•    The Scholarship  is limited  tuition fees only  for the  stipulated period  of study.
Application  Procedures
Obtain  free application forms from ;
Makerere  University , Gender  Mainstreaming Directorate,
Senate  Building  , Level  Room 401
P. O. Box 7062, Kampala-Uganda
Deadline: 09 /08 /2013

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